Emerald Coast

Florida Legislative Session

Written by cwilson | Mar 25, 2009 5:57:00 PM

On 24 March 09 activists from several chapters appeared before a house committee on Natural resources in support of bill 527, the beach access bill.
We also visited the legislative offices of both representatives and senators who sit on committees that will be discussing the bill next.
We also appeared before the senate committee on environmental preservation in support of a bill to preserve Florida's coral reefs.
It was a successful effort on our part, as both bills passed their respective committees and move forward.
I would encourage any of you to get involved in this process. It is our purpose, Our reason for existence, it is our mission. You can have an opportunity to effect coastal policy, not just whine about the way things are!
If you would like to get active; email me at emeraldcoast@surfrider.org