Emerald Coast

March Committee Meeting Minutes

Written by cwilson | Mar 18, 2011 3:25:00 PM

Pensacola Planning Committee Minutes

March, 9 2011

Amanda shared the minutes of the Emerald Coast Chapter meeting held March 8, 2011 (see the minutes of the EC Chapter for details). She supplied the group with the “Out of Sight Does Not Make it Right” brochures that included the observations and photos of the first round.

Upcoming events include:

Power Up Energy Conference Pensacola Beach April 10

Regional Conference St. Pete April 16 & 17

Turtle Fest Event in Gulfplace April 30

International Surfing Day is June 20th.  Ideas for a local event will be considered in the next few months.

We will try to have a member attend the EC Chapter Meeting next month. It has been suggested we might want to explore setting up virtual meetings.

Concerns about communication were reviewed. Those in attendance were reminded to register. https://emeraldcoast.surfrider.org and to link to their Facebook page. Susan will follow up with Ericka on the current email list.

There was a discussion about the formal steps of forming a chapter and executive committee. To ensure that everyone interested is informed and able to contact the group about participation, it was decided to table a more thorough discussion and decision until the next meeting. Packets were distributed that included the description of the various positions.

Susan updated the group on turtle ordinances in the area.  Gulf Shores, AL has an ordinance in place. The city of Orange Beach is currently drafting an ordinance to submit based on the Gulf Shores plan. Larry Ellis has been assigned the task of writing the draft and Susan will be following up with him and working with him on this effort.

The next meeting will be on April 12th, at 7:00 PM in the Boardroom at Ozone Pizza in Pensacola, FL.