Emerald Coast

Surfrider Volunteer Opportunities for 2013

Written by cwilson | Jan 3, 2013 5:56:22 PM

Still thinking about that New Year's resolution?  How about a pledge to actively support your community and protect the beach you love? Surfrider Emerald Coast will be working on several great projects this year.  Each project is done by volunteers just like you...Regular folks who have decided to work together and do extraordinary things!

On deck for the first half of the year will be the following events:

February-  Log Jam, Surf contest at Pompano Joe's

April-May-  Surf School, mentoring program

May-  Electric Mayhem, electric vehicle show

June-  International Surfing Day

If a project you are interested in is not listed, just say the word and we can get it going.  There are opportunities to lead campaigns for Beach Clean-Ups, Eco-Friendly Gardens, Rise Above Plastics, Ban the Bag, -all of these and more are ready for a passionate member to step in and crank it up!

So now, what's your New Year's Resolution gonna be?  Pump iron at the gym for a few days... or maybe pump up our beach for a lifetime or two of enjoyment!  You can always do both!

Happy New Year!

(-Use this contact button to send us a line about which project you would enjoy helping with!    -If you are commitment shy, you can easily help out by simply sharing a link to this post on any social media site- Facebook, Twitter, etc.)