UPDATED: July 29 - 10:36pm
In the event that we don't have a ridable wave, you will still want to come out for a morning of fun in the sun. Pack your cooler, bring some shade and don't forget the sunscreen. Activities start at 8am and go until 11am. Beach games, music and more will be theme of the day. Those that register will still receive their Kid's Surf Classic t-shirts. Extra shirts are available while supplies last. Only 60 have been ordered.

Get Ready for the 3nd Annual Kid's Surf Classic
When: August 2, 2014 (rain date is August 3, Sunday)
Time: 8am until champions are crowned
Location: June White Decker Park (near Back Porch restaurant) (Map)
Age Divisions: Super Grom (8 and under), Grom (9 to 13), Exceptional Surfers (Autism Surfs)
Cost: $25 - includes event t-shirt.
You can also support the Emerald Coast Chapter with a donation.
About The Event
The Emerald Coast Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, is stoked to announce the 2nd annual Kid’s Surf Classic. It's a surfing contest just for kids! For many it will be a first time surfing experience and for some, a chance to show off their skills. For all involved, parents and children alike, it will surely be a great time on the beach. Need a surfboard? We will have a variety of longboards, shortboards, and fishes available for use. Need help catching waves? Have a parent assist you in the line-up, or we'll provide a surfing expert to help get you into some waves.
The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the enjoyment and protection of beaches for everyone. All profit from the contest goes to fund local Surfrider chapter campaigns. With your registration, you will be saving beaches around the world while playing and having a great time on your own beach.